It's been just a while after the official rollout of
PUBG Mobile 0.11.5 Update, but that doesn't stop the rumours mill. Recently PUBG mobile released 0.12 beta update which confirms most of the buzz going around. So today let's talk about everything that matters in the 0.12 beta update.
The event mode is now replaced with something called MugenSpace. A quick translation is "Infinity". The zombie mode (survive till dawn) can now be found under expansions. This means we can expect new "expansions" to be added later on.
A can be found in the infinity mode. The new zombie mode a.k.a "The Darkest Night" adds a whole lot more to the game. You and your team spawn at a random location on the Erangel Map rather than being dropped off a plane! The primary goal of this mode is to Survive until the rescue arrives. The arrival time will be displayed as a 30 minutes timer. Players will have to survive only one night and reach the extraction point to win. A bit of note, during night players, cannot roam in the open as the map will be covered with poisonous green gas. Also, the number of zombie waves have been increased. So God saves you if you find yourself in a tight spot at night. All teams to reach the extraction point will be victorious. The new zombie mode is unlockable only if you reach level 5 in the "Survive Till Dawn" mode.
Mobile Darkest Night Zombie Mode Gameplay. Image Credit RK-Gaming |
Along with the New Zombie Mode, some improvements (mainly weapons) are made to Survive Till Dawn (Original zombie mode) as well.
Other changes include the addition of A
jungle magazine which will double the capacity of your Assult Rifle (instead of 30 it will be 60 bullets). It can't be used with other guns and is found in Elite Zombie crates. Also, zombies will slow down when you start shooting at them or throw stun grenades on them. There will be a few new zombies, such as zombie dogs to lower your survival chances.
**All weapons and improvements mentioned above will only be exclusive to the now two zombie modes.
Do you love pets? Yes? Well, now you can have a pet in PUBG. Great! What will it do? Well, absolutely NOTHING! This feature adds nothing to the game-play. Just a pet follows you around throughout the game while you try to kill enemies. Also, the companion has some dope "tricks" or "actions" (basically companion emotes) up its sleeves which will be available as your companion levels up. Companions level up by following you in matches. You can also speed it up by buying companion food (Wow! now we have more reasons to give PUBG all our hard-earned money! Neat trick PUBG!!!). The companion will perform it's dope "tricks" while you go prone (the companion will fly away) or run. And that's all it offers.
As of today, there is only one companion that is a while Eagle, which will more often than not, just sit on your shoulder all the time. Thankfully The companion can only be seen by your teammates and you. But the best part is that you can turn off this companion feature if you feel(which actually is!) it too much of an annoyance. All you need to do is un-equip the companion.
PUBG mobile plans to add more companions in the near future, but we only hope that PUBG adds something meaningful in the game rather than trying to be a Fortnite rip-off. Maybe a surveillance drone? Or UAV like Call of Duty?
Customizable Sights
Now players will get the ability to customise the "Red Dot" in Red-dot site to any 4 given shapes. Players can change the colour of it to the list of given colours as well. This feature is present in PUBG PC for some time now. This will enhance user experience with a Red-dot sight as some players find it challenging to spot the small Red-dot in a heated fight.
Also, you can customise the Colour of holographic site/2x/3x scopes (Red or Green). Customisations are yet to be seen to the 4,6 & 8x scopes. The hip-fire crosshair now has more colour options to choose from.
Quick Chat Redesign
The quick chat Panel got a Rework. Instead of being a list it the commands are laid out in a circle kind of like the emotes wheel. This makes finding quick chat a lot easier. This doesn't work in the game. The design is spotted in the Quick Chat setting menu.
Different Voice Models
Different voice models were introduced with 0.10. Update. Users were able to choose one from the two available female voice models. Now a new Male voice model(FINALLY!!!) is added in the latest beta 0.12 although it is not working as of now. The options can be found in the quick chat options in the settings menu.
Realistic Animations
The developers are always working to make the gameplay more realistic. PUBG Mobile has previously added realistic animation in previous versions such as the Parachuting animation (The players model brings the legs forward, leans backwoods and pulls the parachute ropes to slow down the fall before touching the ground) or the going prone animation (The player model dives and slide a little if you suddenly go prone while running). Now a new door opening animation is added where the player model will reach out for the door before opening it.
Lobby Changes
The lobby is getting a slight Rework in this update. You can spectate your friends from the lobby itself. Provided the Player has not turned off this feature. Also, there is an option to send a friend request to an enemy player while spectating him/her. The lobby theme is moved to the inventory tab. That means there might be an option to buy items later on in some future update.
Along with all the other changes, there are some minor bug fixes related to graphics rendering. A few of the fixed bugs are listed below-
- "Hair was not displayed correctly when equipping certain headgear" bug Fixed.
- Season 6 Pants causing graphics glitches in few foot gears.
- "Doors were not displayed properly" issue fixed.
- "Players getting stuck in buildings in certain areas” bug fixed.
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